Recipe Info

Preparation time: 45min

Cooking time: 15-20min


30g fresh yeast

500 g flour

60 g sugar

250 g of butter (unsalted) for the coating

1 egg to brown

225 ml of milk

1 teaspoon of salt


Step 1

In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar, salt, milk, and fresh Rafiaa yeast until you get a smooth dough. Let stand for 1 hour 30 minutes in the refrigerator, covered with a damp cloth.

2nd step

Take out the butter in advance, then wrap it in baking paper.

Step 3

Roll it out in a square shape with a rolling pin about 5mm thick (about 30x30cm square). Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll out the dough in the shape of a rectangle ½cm thick (rectangle about 30x60cm). Place the square of butter on the right half of the rectangle of dough then fold the left half over. Fold the edges well. Extend the dough to form a 30x60cm rectangle again and fold in thirds lengthwise to make a new rectangle. Let the dough rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator then repeat the operation a second time (roll-out, fold in three and let rest for 1 hour).

Step 4

Take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out to form a large square ½cm thick. Cut 10x15x15cm triangles then roll up starting at the base to form a crescent.

Step 5

Place the croissants on a baking sheet, cover, and let stand for the croissants to puff. Then, using a brush, brown the croissants with the beaten egg and bake at 170 ° C until they take on a golden color (about 20 min).